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Is coffee one of your basic necessities and, despite this daily craving for caffeine, do you want to travel towards Asia? Then visit Vietnam! In the distant past, Vietnam – like many Asian countries – was a tea country. In the nineteenth century, French colonialists introduced coffee to Vietnam. Since then, some special coffee varieties have emerged, such as traditional Vietnamese coffee and unmissable variations with egg (ca phe trung), yoghurt (sua chua ca phe), and coconut (ca phe cot dua).
Right behind Brazil, Vietnam is the world’s largest coffee producer. The country exports more than 1.6 million tonnes of coffee annually. Most of it is Robusta (95%), other coffees grown in Vietnam are Catimor and Excela (both variations of Arabica).
Everywhere in Vietnam, from cafés to markets, you will come across coffee beans from Dalat and the neighbouring ‘coffee capital‘ Buon Ma Thuot. Both cities are located in Vietnam’s Central Highlands. The surroundings of Dalat and Buon Ma Thuot are full of coffee plants. The altitude, fertile soil and climate ensure that Vietnamese Robusta coffee grows so well here. You can visit both coffee cities during a 2-day tour from Dalat to Buon Ma Thuot.
Are you a true coffee lover or dare to call yourself a coffee connoisseur? Then make sure you travel to Vietnam in the month of March. During this month the annual Coffee Festival takes place in March in Buon Ma Thuot – a week in which Vietnamese coffee takes centre stage. During the festival, various activities, tastings and exhibitions related to coffee in Vietnam take place in and around Buon Ma Thuot.
Vietnam’s capital city Hanoi is known for its coffee culture: hip coffee bars, big coffee chains and traditional coffee shops alternate in the streets. From early morning to late at night, you will find coffee lovers of all ages here. Trieu Viet Vuong is the street to be on for the best cup of coffee in Hanoi.
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No need to haggle over the duration, sights and price of your tour on the street or in a shabby shack. Browse, pick and book your tour undisturbed and online.
Start your motorbike adventure when your want, where you want. Our Easy Riders will pick you up and drop you off at locations of your choosing.
Your safety is our primary concern. During the tour you wear a helmet and protective gear for your upper body and knees – even if you are sitting on the back of the motorbike.
Easy Riders Vietnam offers unique motorbike tours in Vietnam. On this website you’ll find information about Easy Riders and exploring Vietnam by motorbike. Browse, pick and book your tour undisturbed and online.
Explore Vietnam by motorbike with a certified Easy Rider. Daily departures from all popular destinations in Vietnam.
Our Easy Riders effortlessly guide you through their country, with countless stops at local families, unspoilt nature, delicious food stalls, and breathtaking temples and historical sites.
TripAdvisor: 4.9 / 5.0 – 1.400+ reviews (team Dalat & team Hoi An) – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐